Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Resolutions never last, not even for one day!

Welp 13 days pass and finally a second post. No posts like my resolution promised, no followers, so no worries... I failed to get the position I applied for, long story, but let's just say that was a missed opportunity. So for the past 13 days I have been endlessly job searching for something, anything, close by. My search turned up a few admissions counselor positions that I don't hold the qualifications for, but none the less I applied. No calls from any of the schools but you can't win them all (why not just 1 though?!??).
So when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I decided to go back to school in the fall for Dental Hygiene. I mean it's the 2nd most promised job up until 2016 and with a $60,000+ salary, I do believe it's well worth the $5000/semester (5 semesters long...). Which would bring my school loan debt up to an ole....round about....ummm....let's see here.....$60,000. With an additional $25,000 in bull crap loans. $85, I could have a decent house...a heck of a nice car, a CRAP TON of clothes. But I'll have a history degree and a dental hygiene degree and a whole lot of stuff I don't need.
DEBT...awww the word hurts my ears. Is another year of school really worth another $25,000 of loans? I'll have them paid off in 30-40 years. HA! I mean currently my $25,000 bull crap loan is on a plan of 10 years with a $300/month payment. So I can only imagine my school loans of $60,000 for a 10 year payoff would be abbbboooouuuutttt ......... $700/month. Goodbye car, goodbye house, goodbye life I want...